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Our History

The Golf Course

April 1923 - The first Golf Club was formed, and Dr. T.W.E. Henry was elected President. 


1938-1939 - The present golf course was laid out during the winter, but World War II prevented further development. 


1942—To support the war efforts, the Town Council elected to repurpose the golf course to grow barley. The following year, the fairways (as they are known today!) were rented for pasture for the remainder of the war. The majority of this land clearing was done by prisoners from the local jail. 


1950 - 'Sand' greens were prepared, and Preferred Membership Certificates were sold at $10 a share. This gave the holders a voice in the operation of the Golf Club. 


1954—To avoid the development of a private golf course, five local residents established the Fort Golf Club and elected the first president, John Ferguson. The Town Council granted the newly formed Fort Golf Club a 49-year lease for $1 per year.


1956 - The Clubhouse was built, and a grand opening ceremony was hosted on New Year's Eve!


1963 - In desperate need of new space, the Golf Course and Curling Club joined forces to become the Fort Saskatchewan Golf and Curling Club. 


1966 - The new Curling Club space was officially opened, and Dr. Walter Buck was named the first President of the new joint Fort Saskatchewan Golf and Curling Club. 


1987 - A dugout was dug, and Sherritt Gordon Mines ran a water line from the Plant site to the Golf Course to provide a reliable source of water for maintaining the greens. 


2003 - A fairway watering system was installed, and the Fort Golf Club bought a larger pump. Sherritt International installed this new water pump. 


1996 - The Golf Club hired Darren Shackleton as the first official, full-time manager. 


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The Curling Club

November 1898 - Discussion about a curling rink for the bustling area of Fort Saskatchewan began. 


January 1902 - The Fort Saskatchewan Curling Club was officially organized, and the first Committee was appointed.


1902 - A temporary Curling Club structure was built on the river below Shera's Mill, adjoining the hockey rink.  


1903 - The decision was made to move the temporary Curling Club to a more permanent home in downtown Fort Saskatchewan - where the Old Mall was located!


1904-1905 - The curling Club moved once again to the Mounted Police grounds generously donated by Major Strickland. 


1908—To protect patrons, a roof was added to the open rink structure, and a Joint Committee was officially formed.

Christmas Day 1908 - The newly covered Curling Club was open to the public and offered free curling to everyone. 


1909—The Carscadden Cup was established and first won by J.W. Kidney. The last Carscadden Cup was won by the Tony Sharek team in 1971, and the Cup now lives in the Fort Saskatchewan Museum. Arnold Carscadden was one of the earliest curlers (1908) until he died in 1970. He threw out the first rock at the opening of our present club in 1966!


1913 - The Curling Club space was extended by an additional 12 feet. 


1915 - Additional sheets of ice were added so the Club could host bonspiels. 


1928 - The Curling Club was moved to the SW Corner of 102 Street and 101 Avenue. 


1947 - The Curling Club space was extended to include four sheets of ice. 


1954-1955 - Due to extended thaw and warm temperatures, the decision was made to install artificial ice. 


1961 - Fort Saskatchewan's own Ray Werner won the Brier & World Cup. 


1963 - In desperate need of new space, the Golf Course and Curling Club joined forces to become the Fort Saskatchewan Golf and Curling Club. 


1966 - The new Curling Club space was officially opened, and Dr. Walter Buck was named the first President of the new joint Fort Saskatchewan Golf and Curling Club. 


1999 - A new concrete floor was installed due to the hard work of many volunteers and fundraisers led by Marcel Van Hecke. 

Fort Saskatchewan Golf and Curling Club
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